Source code for cybox.core.event

# Copyright (c) 2017, The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE.txt for complete terms.

from mixbox import entities
from mixbox import fields

import cybox.bindings.cybox_core as core_binding
from cybox.common import StructuredText, MeasureSource, Location
from cybox.common.vocabs import EventType, VocabField
from cybox.core import Actions, Frequency

[docs]class Event(entities.Entity): _binding = core_binding _binding_class = core_binding.EventType _namespace = '' id_ = fields.TypedField("id") idref = fields.TypedField("idref") type_ = VocabField("Type", EventType) description = fields.TypedField("Description", StructuredText) observation_method = fields.TypedField("Observation_Method", MeasureSource) actions = fields.TypedField("Actions", Actions) frequency = fields.TypedField("Frequency", Frequency) location = fields.TypedField("Location", Location) event = fields.TypedField("Event", multiple=True)
# Allow recursive definition of events Event.event.type_ = Event