Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2017, The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE.txt for complete terms.
from mixbox import entities
from mixbox import fields
from mixbox.vendor import six

import cybox.bindings.cybox_common as common_binding
from cybox.common.attribute_groups import PatternFieldGroup
from cybox.common.datetimewithprecision import (validate_date_precision,
    validate_time_precision, validate_datetime_precision)
from cybox.utils import normalize_to_xml, denormalize_from_xml

DATE_PRECISION_VALUES = ("year", "month", "day")
TIME_PRECISION_VALUES = ("hour", "minute", "second")

def validate_string_type(instance, value):
    if value is None:
    elif isinstance(value, six.string_types):
    elif isinstance(value, list):
        for x in value:
            validate_string_type(instance, x)
        raise ValueError("Value must be a string. Received %r" % value)

class ListFieldMixin(object):
    """Mixin that allows a TypedField to be set to a list of values or a single
    value. If a list of values are passed in, each item in the list will be
    passed through the _clean() method.
    def check_type(self, value):
        func_check = super(ListFieldMixin, self).check_type
        if isinstance(value, list):
            return all(func_check(x) for x in value)
        return func_check(value)

    def _clean(self, value):
        func_clean = super(ListFieldMixin, self)._clean
        if isinstance(value, list):
            return [func_clean(x) for x in value]
        return func_clean(value)

# Field types that can accept lists or scalar values.
class ListTypedField(ListFieldMixin, fields.TypedField): pass
class ListDateField(ListFieldMixin, fields.DateField): pass
class ListDateTimeField(ListFieldMixin, fields.DateTimeField): pass
class ListFloatField(ListFieldMixin, fields.FloatField): pass
class ListIntegerField(ListFieldMixin, fields.IntegerField): pass
class ListLongField(ListFieldMixin, fields.LongField): pass

[docs]class BaseProperty(PatternFieldGroup, entities.Entity): __hash__ = entities.Entity.__hash__ # Most Properties are defined in the "common" binding, so we'll just set # that here. Some BaseProperty subclasses might have to override this. _binding = common_binding _binding_class = _binding.BaseObjectPropertyType _namespace = '' # If `True`, force the "datatype" attribute to be output. This is # necessary in some cases _force_datatype = False default_datatype = 'string' # BaseObjectProperty Group id_ = fields.IdField("id") idref = fields.IdrefField("idref") value = ListTypedField("valueOf_", key_name="value") datatype = fields.TypedField("datatype") appears_random = fields.TypedField("appears_random") is_obfuscated = fields.TypedField("is_obfuscated") obfuscation_algorithm_ref = fields.TypedField("obfuscation_algorithm_ref") is_defanged = fields.TypedField("is_defanged") defanging_algorithm_ref = fields.TypedField("defanging_algorithm_ref") refanging_transform_type = fields.TypedField("refanging_transform_type") refanging_transform = fields.TypedField("refanging_transform") observed_encoding = fields.TypedField("observed_encoding") def __init__(self, value=None): super(BaseProperty, self).__init__() self._force_datatype = False self.value = value self.datatype = self.default_datatype def __str__(self): return six.text_type(self.value) def __int__(self): return int(self.value) @property def serialized_value(self): return self.value @property def values(self): """Allow uniform access to `value` as a list. This allows code like the following to always work where `obj` is a CybOX entity and `prop` is any BaseProperty subclass: ``` for x in obj.prop.values(): do_something(x) ``` If `value` is None, this returns an empty list ([]) If `value` is a single non-list value, it returns a single-item list. If `value` is a list, `values` is identical to `value`. NOTE: This property cannot be set. Use the `value` setter for this. """ if self.value is None: return [] elif isinstance(self.value, list): return self.value else: return [self.value] def __eq__(self, other): # None-type checking if not other: return False # It is possible to compare a Property to a single value if # the Property defines only the "value" property. if not isinstance(other, BaseProperty) and self.is_plain(): return self.value == other return ( self.value == other.value and self.id_ == other.id_ and self.idref == other.idref and self.datatype == other.datatype and self.appears_random == other.appears_random and self.is_obfuscated == other.is_obfuscated and self.obfuscation_algorithm_ref == other.obfuscation_algorithm_ref and self.is_defanged == other.is_defanged and self.defanging_algorithm_ref == other.defanging_algorithm_ref and self.refanging_transform_type == other.refanging_transform_type and self.refanging_transform == other.refanging_transform and self.observed_encoding == other.observed_encoding and PatternFieldGroup._conditions_equal(self, other) and self.bit_mask == other.bit_mask and self.pattern_type == other.pattern_type and self.regex_syntax == other.regex_syntax and self.is_case_sensitive == other.is_case_sensitive and self.has_changed == other.has_changed and self.trend == other.trend ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
[docs] def is_plain(self): """Whether the Property can be represented as a single value. The `datatype` can be inferred by the particular BaseProperty subclass, so if `datatype` and `value` are the only non-None properties, the BaseProperty can be represented by a single value rather than a dictionary. This makes the JSON representation simpler without losing any data fidelity. """ return ( # ignore value self.id_ is None and self.idref is None and # ignore datatype self.appears_random is None and self.is_obfuscated is None and self.obfuscation_algorithm_ref is None and self.is_defanged is None and self.defanging_algorithm_ref is None and self.refanging_transform_type is None and self.refanging_transform is None and self.observed_encoding is None and super(BaseProperty, self).is_plain() )
def __nonzero__(self): return (not self.is_plain()) or (self.value is not None) __bool__ = __nonzero__ def _datatype_serialized_value(self): if self._force_datatype: return self.datatype elif self.datatype != self.default_datatype: return self.datatype else: return None def to_obj(self, ns_info=None): attr_obj = super(BaseProperty, self).to_obj(ns_info=ns_info) attr_obj.datatype = self._datatype_serialized_value() attr_obj.valueOf_ = normalize_to_xml(self.serialized_value, self.delimiter) return attr_obj def to_dict(self): if self.is_plain(): return self.serialized_value attr_dict = super(BaseProperty, self).to_dict() attr_dict.pop("datatype", None) if self._datatype_serialized_value(): attr_dict['datatype'] = self._datatype_serialized_value() if self.value is not None: attr_dict['value'] = self.serialized_value return attr_dict @classmethod def from_obj(cls, cls_obj): # Use the subclass this was called on to initialize the object if not cls_obj: return None # split delimited values now, before converting from bindings object to API object cls_obj.valueOf_ = denormalize_from_xml(cls_obj.valueOf_, cls_obj.delimiter) attr = super(BaseProperty, cls).from_obj(cls_obj) attr.datatype = cls_obj.datatype or cls.default_datatype return attr @classmethod def from_dict(cls, cls_dict): attr = super(BaseProperty, cls).from_dict(cls_dict) if isinstance(cls_dict, dict): attr.datatype = cls_dict.get('datatype', cls.default_datatype) return attr
[docs]class String(BaseProperty): _binding_class = common_binding.StringObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "string" value = ListTypedField("valueOf_", key_name="value", preset_hook=validate_string_type)
class _IntegerBase(BaseProperty): """Define a common _parse_value function for all Integer types""" value = ListIntegerField("valueOf_", key_name="value")
[docs]class Integer(_IntegerBase): _binding_class = common_binding.IntegerObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "int"
[docs]class PositiveInteger(_IntegerBase): _binding_class = common_binding.PositiveIntegerObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "positiveInteger"
[docs]class UnsignedInteger(_IntegerBase): _binding_class = common_binding.UnsignedIntegerObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "unsignedInt"
[docs]class NonNegativeInteger(_IntegerBase): _binding_class = common_binding.NonNegativeIntegerObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "nonNegativeInteger"
[docs]class AnyURI(BaseProperty): _binding_class = common_binding.AnyURIObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "anyURI"
[docs]class HexBinary(BaseProperty): _binding_class = common_binding.HexBinaryObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "hexBinary"
[docs]class Base64Binary(BaseProperty): _binding_class = common_binding.Base64BinaryObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "base64Binary"
[docs]class Duration(BaseProperty): _binding_class = common_binding.DurationObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "duration"
[docs]class Time(BaseProperty): _binding_class = common_binding.TimeObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "time" precision = fields.TypedField("precision", preset_hook=validate_time_precision) def __init__(self, value=None, precision='second'): super(Time, self).__init__(value=value) self.precision = precision
[docs]class Date(BaseProperty): _binding_class = common_binding.DateObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "date" value = ListDateField("valueOf_", key_name="value") precision = fields.TypedField("precision", preset_hook=validate_date_precision) def __init__(self, value=None, precision='day'): super(Date, self).__init__(value=value) self.precision = precision def __str__(self): if self.value: return self.value.isoformat() return super(BaseProperty, self).__str__() @property def serialized_value(self): if isinstance(self.value, list): return [x.isoformat() for x in self.value] elif self.value is None: return None else: return self.value.isoformat()
[docs]class DateTime(BaseProperty): _binding_class = common_binding.DateTimeObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "dateTime" value = ListDateTimeField("valueOf_", key_name="value") precision = fields.TypedField("precision", preset_hook=validate_datetime_precision) def __init__(self, value=None, precision='second'): super(DateTime, self).__init__(value=value) self.precision = precision def __str__(self): if self.value: return self.value.isoformat() return super(BaseProperty, self).__str__() @property def serialized_value(self): if isinstance(self.value, list): return [x.isoformat() for x in self.value] elif self.value is None: return None else: return self.value.isoformat()
class _FloatBase(BaseProperty): """Define a common _parse_value function for Float and Double types.""" value = ListFloatField("valueOf_", key_name="value")
[docs]class Double(_FloatBase): _binding_class = common_binding.DoubleObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "double"
[docs]class Float(_FloatBase): _binding_class = common_binding.FloatObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "float"
class _LongBase(BaseProperty): """Define a common _parse_value function for all Long types.""" value = ListLongField("valueOf_", key_name="value")
[docs]class Long(_LongBase): _binding_class = common_binding.LongObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "long"
[docs]class UnsignedLong(_LongBase): _binding_class = common_binding.UnsignedLongObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "unsignedLong"
[docs]class Name(BaseProperty): _binding_class = common_binding.NameObjectPropertyType default_datatype = "name"
# Mapping of binding classes to the corresponding BaseProperty subclass BINDING_CLASS_MAPPING = { common_binding.StringObjectPropertyType: String, common_binding.IntegerObjectPropertyType: Integer, common_binding.PositiveIntegerObjectPropertyType: PositiveInteger, common_binding.UnsignedIntegerObjectPropertyType: UnsignedInteger, common_binding.UnsignedLongObjectPropertyType: UnsignedLong, common_binding.AnyURIObjectPropertyType: AnyURI, common_binding.HexBinaryObjectPropertyType: HexBinary, common_binding.DateTimeObjectPropertyType: DateTime, common_binding.DateObjectPropertyType: Date, common_binding.TimeObjectPropertyType: Time, common_binding.DurationObjectPropertyType: Duration, common_binding.NonNegativeIntegerObjectPropertyType: NonNegativeInteger, common_binding.FloatObjectPropertyType: Float, common_binding.DoubleObjectPropertyType: Double, common_binding.LongObjectPropertyType: Long, # This shouldn't be needed anymore, but we'll leave it here to be safe. common_binding.SimpleHashValueType: HexBinary, # common_binding.HashNameType: HashName, }