Source code for cybox.objects.artifact_object

# Copyright (c) 2015, The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE.txt for complete terms.

import base64
import bz2
import zlib

from mixbox import fields
from mixbox.vendor import six

import cybox
import cybox.bindings.artifact_object as artifact_binding
from cybox.common import ObjectProperties, String
from cybox.compat import xor

[docs]class RawArtifact(String): _binding_class = artifact_binding.RawArtifactType _namespace = '' byte_order = fields.TypedField("byte_order")
[docs]class Artifact(ObjectProperties): # Warning: Do not attempt to get or set Raw_Artifact directly. Use `data` # or `packed_data` respectively. Raw_Artifact will be set on export. _binding = artifact_binding _namespace = '' _XSI_NS = "ArtifactObj" _XSI_TYPE = "ArtifactObjectType" TYPE_FILE = "File" TYPE_MEMORY = "Memory Region" TYPE_FILE_SYSTEM = "File System Fragment" TYPE_NETWORK = "Network Traffic" TYPE_GENERIC = "Generic Data Region" def __init__(self, data=None, type_=None): super(Artifact, self).__init__() self.type_ = type_ self.packaging = [] # `data` is the actual binary data that is being encoded in this # Artifact. It should use the `str` type on Python 2 or the `bytes` # type on Python 3. # `packed_data` is the literal character data that comes from (or # becomes) the contents of the Raw_Artifact element. It should be a # Unicode string (`unicode` on Python 2, `str` on Python 3), and should # in general be ASCII-encoded, since any other data should be # Base64-encoded. # Only one of these two attributes can be set directly. The other can # be calculated based on the various `Packaging` types added to this # Artifact. # We set the private attribute `_packed_data` first, so that the setter # for `data` has access to this attribute. self._packed_data = None = data @property def data(self): """Should return a byte string""" if self._data: return self._data elif self._packed_data: tmp_data = self._packed_data.encode('ascii') for p in reversed(self.packaging): tmp_data = p.unpack(tmp_data) return tmp_data else: return None @data.setter def data(self, value): if self._packed_data: raise ValueError("packed_data already set, can't set data") if value is not None and not isinstance(value, six.binary_type): msg = ("Artifact data must be either None or byte data, not a " "Unicode string.") raise ValueError(msg) self._data = value @property def packed_data(self): """Should return a Unicode string""" if self._packed_data: return self._packed_data elif self._data: tmp_data = self._data for p in self.packaging: tmp_data = p.pack(tmp_data) return tmp_data.decode('ascii') else: return None @packed_data.setter def packed_data(self, value): if self._data: raise ValueError("data already set, can't set packed_data") if value is not None and not isinstance(value, six.text_type): msg = ("Artifact packed_data must be either None or a Unicode " "string, not byte data.") raise ValueError(msg) self._packed_data = value
[docs] def to_obj(self, return_obj=None, ns_info=None): self._collect_ns_info(ns_info) artifact_obj = artifact_binding.ArtifactObjectType() super(Artifact, self).to_obj(return_obj=artifact_obj, ns_info=ns_info) if self.packaging: packaging = artifact_binding.PackagingType() for p in self.packaging: p_obj = p.to_obj(ns_info=ns_info) if isinstance(p, Compression): packaging.add_Compression(p_obj) elif isinstance(p, Encryption): packaging.add_Encryption(p_obj) elif isinstance(p, Encoding): packaging.add_Encoding(p_obj) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported Packaging Type: %s" % type(p)) artifact_obj.Packaging = packaging if self.packed_data: artifact_obj.Raw_Artifact = RawArtifact(self.packed_data).to_obj(ns_info=ns_info) artifact_obj.type_ = self.type_ return artifact_obj
[docs] def to_dict(self): artifact_dict = {} super(Artifact, self).to_dict(artifact_dict) if self.packaging: artifact_dict['packaging'] = [p.to_dict() for p in self.packaging] if self.packed_data: artifact_dict['raw_artifact'] = RawArtifact(self.packed_data).to_dict() if self.type_: artifact_dict['type'] = self.type_ return artifact_dict
[docs] def from_obj(artifact_obj): if not artifact_obj: return None artifact = Artifact() ObjectProperties.from_obj(artifact_obj, artifact) packaging = artifact_obj.Packaging if packaging: for c in packaging.Compression: artifact.packaging.append(Compression.from_obj(c)) for e in packaging.Encryption: artifact.packaging.append(Encryption.from_obj(e)) for e in packaging.Encoding: artifact.packaging.append(Encoding.from_obj(e)) raw_artifact = artifact_obj.Raw_Artifact if raw_artifact: data = RawArtifact.from_obj(raw_artifact).value artifact.packed_data = six.text_type(data) artifact.type_ = artifact_obj.type_ return artifact
[docs] def from_dict(artifact_dict): if not artifact_dict: return None artifact = Artifact() ObjectProperties.from_dict(artifact_dict, artifact) for layer in artifact_dict.get('packaging', []): if layer.get('packaging_type') == "compression": artifact.packaging.append(Compression.from_dict(layer)) if layer.get('packaging_type') == "encryption": artifact.packaging.append(Encryption.from_dict(layer)) if layer.get('packaging_type') == "encoding": artifact.packaging.append(Encoding.from_dict(layer)) raw_artifact = artifact_dict.get('raw_artifact') if raw_artifact: data = RawArtifact.from_dict(raw_artifact).value artifact.packed_data = six.text_type(data) artifact.type_ = artifact_dict.get('type') return artifact
[docs]class Packaging(cybox.Entity): """An individual packaging layer.""" _namespace = ''
[docs] def pack(self, data): """This should accept byte data and return byte data""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def unpack(self, packed_data): """This should accept byte data and return byte data""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Compression(Packaging): """A Compression packaging layer Currently only zlib and bz2 are supported. Also, compression_mechanism_ref is not currently supported. """ def __init__(self, compression_mechanism=None): super(Compression, self).__init__() self.compression_mechanism = compression_mechanism
[docs] def to_obj(self, return_obj=None, ns_info=None): self._collect_ns_info(ns_info) obj = artifact_binding.CompressionType() if self.compression_mechanism: obj.compression_mechanism = self.compression_mechanism return obj
[docs] def to_dict(self): dict_ = {} dict_['packaging_type'] = 'compression' if self.compression_mechanism: dict_['compression_mechanism'] = self.compression_mechanism return dict_
[docs] def from_obj(compression_obj): mechanism = compression_obj.compression_mechanism return Compression.get_object(mechanism)
[docs] def from_dict(compression_dict): mechanism = compression_dict.get('compression_mechanism') return Compression.get_object(mechanism)
[docs] def get_object(mechanism): if mechanism == 'zlib': return ZlibCompression() elif mechanism == "bz2": return Bz2Compression() else: raise ValueError("Unsupported compression mechanism: %s" % mechanism)
[docs]class ZlibCompression(Compression): def __init__(self): super(ZlibCompression, self).__init__("zlib")
[docs] def pack(self, data): return zlib.compress(data)
[docs] def unpack(self, packed_data): return zlib.decompress(packed_data)
[docs]class Bz2Compression(Compression): def __init__(self): super(Bz2Compression, self).__init__("bz2")
[docs] def pack(self, data): return bz2.compress(data)
[docs] def unpack(self, packed_data): return bz2.decompress(packed_data)
[docs]class Encryption(Packaging): """ An encryption packaging layer. """ def __init__(self, encryption_mechanism=None, encryption_key=None): super(Encryption, self).__init__() self.encryption_mechanism = encryption_mechanism self.encryption_key = encryption_key
[docs] def to_obj(self, return_obj=None, ns_info=None): self._collect_ns_info(ns_info) obj = artifact_binding.EncryptionType() if self.encryption_mechanism: obj.encryption_mechanism = self.encryption_mechanism if self.encryption_key: obj.encryption_key = self.encryption_key return obj
[docs] def to_dict(self): dict_ = {} dict_['packaging_type'] = 'encryption' if self.encryption_mechanism: dict_['encryption_mechanism'] = self.encryption_mechanism if self.encryption_key: dict_['encryption_key'] = self.encryption_key return dict_
[docs] def from_obj(encryption_obj): mechanism = encryption_obj.encryption_mechanism key = encryption_obj.encryption_key return Encryption.get_object(mechanism, key)
[docs] def from_dict(encryption_dict): mechanism = encryption_dict.get('encryption_mechanism') key = encryption_dict.get('encryption_key') return Encryption.get_object(mechanism, key)
[docs] def get_object(mechanism, key): if mechanism == 'xor': return XOREncryption(key) if mechanism == 'PasswordProtected': return PasswordProtectedZipEncryption(key) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported encryption mechanism: %s" % mechanism)
[docs]class XOREncryption(Encryption): def __init__(self, key): super(XOREncryption, self).__init__("xor", key)
[docs] def pack(self, data): return xor(data, self.encryption_key)
[docs] def unpack(self, packed_data): return xor(packed_data, self.encryption_key)
[docs]class PasswordProtectedZipEncryption(Encryption): def __init__(self, key): super(PasswordProtectedZipEncryption, self).__init__("PasswordProtected", key) # `pack` is not implemented
[docs] def unpack(self, packed_data): from zipfile import ZipFile buf = six.StringIO(packed_data) with ZipFile(buf, 'r') as myzip: # Assume there is only one member in the archive, and that it # contains the artifact data. Ignore the name. filename = myzip.namelist()[0] data =, self.encryption_key) return data
[docs]class Encoding(Packaging): """ An encoding packaging layer. Currently only base64 with a standard alphabet is supported. """
[docs] def to_obj(self, return_obj=None, ns_info=None): self._collect_ns_info(ns_info) # Defaults to "Base64" algorithm obj = artifact_binding.EncodingType() return obj
[docs] def to_dict(self): dict_ = {} dict_['packaging_type'] = 'encoding' dict_['algorithm'] = 'Base64' return dict_
[docs] def from_obj(encoding_obj): if encoding_obj: return Base64Encoding()
[docs] def from_dict(encoding_dict): if encoding_dict: return Base64Encoding()
[docs]class Base64Encoding(Encoding):
[docs] def pack(self, data): return base64.b64encode(data)
[docs] def unpack(self, packed_data): return base64.b64decode(packed_data)