Source code for cybox.objects.win_user_object

# Copyright (c) 2015, The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE.txt for complete terms.

import cybox
import cybox.bindings.win_user_account_object as win_user_binding
from cybox.common import String
from cybox.objects.user_account_object import (GroupList, PrivilegeList,

[docs]class WinGroup(cybox.Entity): _binding = win_user_binding _binding_class = win_user_binding.WindowsGroupType _namespace = '' name = cybox.TypedField("Name", String) # TODO: Allow these to be represented as single strings in to/from_dict
[docs]class WinGroupList(GroupList): _contained_type = WinGroup
[docs]class WinPrivilege(cybox.Entity): _binding = win_user_binding _binding_class = win_user_binding.WindowsPrivilegeType _namespace = '' user_right = cybox.TypedField("User_Right", String) # TODO: Allow these to be represented as single strings in to/from_dict
[docs]class WinPrivilegeList(PrivilegeList): _contained_type = WinPrivilege
[docs]class WinUser(UserAccount): _binding = win_user_binding _binding_class = win_user_binding.WindowsUserAccountObjectType _namespace = '' _XSI_NS = "WinUserAccountObj" _XSI_TYPE = "WindowsUserAccountObjectType" security_id = cybox.TypedField('Security_ID', String) security_type = cybox.TypedField('Security_Type', String) #Override abstract types here group_list = cybox.TypedField('Group_List', WinGroupList) privilege_list = cybox.TypedField('Privilege_List', WinPrivilegeList)